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PhD scholarship in Numerical Modelling of Cross-Shore Coastal Processes - DTU Construct
Kongens Lyngby
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
PhD position in Modelling and Control of Flexible Regional Energy Systems - DTU Compute
Kongens Lyngby
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
PhD scholarship in innovative rotor-nacelle system design and analysis for modularized blade systems - DTU Wind
Kongens Lyngby
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
PhD scholarship in tip and root Vortex Generators for boundary layer control on wind turbine dedicated airfoils - DTU Wind
Kongens Lyngby
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
PhD Scholarship in Atomic-Level Study of Nanoclusters within Microporous 3D Frameworks – DTU Nanolab
Kongens Lyngby
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
PhD scholarship in Exoplanets - DTU Space
Kongens Lyngby
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Postdoc position on the role of Policy in Advancing the Green Transition – DTU Entrepreneurship
Kongens Lyngby
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
PhD scholarship in high fidelity CFD-CSD analysis for very large and flexible offshore wind turbine - DTU Wind
Kongens Lyngby
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

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